Abby’s Bronze Winner
The Revolutionaaries
We at had the opportunity to partner up with Udayan care, an NGO and do some good this Independance Day. Our goal wasn't to dampen the festivities, but rather to shine a much-needed spotlight on half of our population.
“As we complete 76 years of Independence, we have much to be proud of as a nation. But we also have a lot to fix. World Bank estimates suggest that only 24% of India’s women are a part of the workforce today, making it one of the lowest in the world. We need winds of change, we need #RevolutioNaaris.”
Keeping this brief in mind, we heard stories, anecdotes and snippets from women coming from various backgrounds of India and made a film just in time for Independence Day-
We recieved massive social and editorial media coverage. Click on each to read more.
The Process:
After extensive reading, listening and writing we successfully crafted our final script. With the help of DDB, a production house the next step was finding the little stars of our film and boy did we hit the jackpot. Working amidst the authentic atmosphere of a public school, which served as our set and alongside an exceptional crew, was truly a sensational experience for me.
Strat & Copy: Johanna Israni, Devesh Rohmetra | Account: Priyanka Biswas | Art: Aditi Gujaran